About Us

Established in October 2014 with the support of a grant from The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, the Colorado Afterschool Partnership (CAP) is one of fifty statewide afterschool networks that comprise the National Network of Statewide Afterschool Networks.

CAP works to foster statewide partnerships that improve outcomes for all children and youth through high-quality expanded learning opportunities like those found in afterschool and summer programs.

National Network of Statewide Afterschool Networks

Our overarching goal is to build coalitions of diverse organizations who can work together to leverage public and private funding and partnerships in support of afterschool and summer programs.  We focus our work in the following areas:

Policy & Partnership

Our goal is to create a sustainable structure of statewide, regional, and local partnerships, particularly high-quality school-community partnerships, focused on supporting policy development at all levels.

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We support the development and growth of statewide policies and activities that will secure resources necessary to sustain new and existing school-based/school-linked afterschool, summer programs, and other expanded learning opportunities.

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We support statewide systems to ensure programs are of high quality.

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CAP staff, leadership, and partners work together to reach our goals.

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