Introduction & Purpose of Report
Data shows that comprehensive Out-of-School Time (OST) 1 programs support student well-being and academic growth and are an essential resource for working parents; however, data also shows that there are not enough programs available for families.
In Colorado, for every student in an afterschool program, five more would participate if a program were available. With limited resources available in Colorado for comprehensive afterschool and summer programming, providers must incorporate a wide variety of funding streams and partnerships in order to sustain high-quality programming.
In addition to this problem of programmatic scarcity in Colorado, OST Centers supported by 21st Century Learning Center (21st CCLC) grant funds face the challenge of sustaining comprehensive OST programming beyond the grant period. Colorado Afterschool Partnership (CAP), part of the Mott 50-State Afterschool Network, and the Colorado Department of Education’s 21st CCLC team, set out to research what methods OST Centers have used in order to sustain programming after their 21st CCLC grant ended.
The report can be found below. CAP would appreciate the public’s feedback on this Sustainability Report. Click here for our feedback form.