In Colorado, afterschool programs provide expanded learning opportunities to 83,215 students and are a lifeline for working families. In Colorado, 82% of parents report that all young people deserve access to quality afterschool and summer programs. Yet, too many kids in Colorado are being left out. In fact, for every child in an afterschool program, 5 more would participate if a program were available.
A 2020 evaluation of Colorado’s 21st CCLC programs by Catherine Roller White Consulting found that based on teachers surveyed, among students in need of improvement, more than 7 in 10 improved their academic performance (76%) and participation in class (73%). Approximately 2 in 3 students also improved their motivation to learn (66%), class attentiveness (66%), and satisfactory homework completion (64%). Teachers noted that students who attended 21st CCLC programs for the full year made significantly more improvement than students who attended for part of the year.
Read more in the This is Afterschool report here.
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