May 22

Webinar: Tested tools for managing STEM networks

June 14, 2017: 4-5 pm EST  Register
The webinar will focus on STEM network management tools from two states. Both Oregon ( STEM Hub Backbone Effectiveness Tool ) and Indiana ( Indiana STEM Strategic Plan ) have created tools earning the STEMx seal of approval.

From the key functions of regional STEM organizations to tying your state’s plan to economic needs, join us to learn more about how to ensure your network succeeds.

Register to attend

Register with Webex here .

About these webinars

Every month, we organize an opportunity for STEM organizations to learn from each other. Past webinars have covered STEM school design, teacher training, and engaging industry in STEM partnerships. This service is offered thanks to the membership of more than 20 states and territories in the national STEMx network.

STEMx members are encouraged to forward this invitation to others in their state who would find the information useful.

You can sign up to hear about our webinars along with our weekly blog posts here: