Nov 01

Webinar: Two states, two new models for rural STEM

November 15, 2017: 4-5 p.m. (EST)  Register

A recent survey by the Tennessee STEM Innovation Network reported more than half (53%) of rural educators didn’t know of resources to help them teach STEM. To close that knowledge gap and build new solutions, the network launched the Tennessee Rural STEM Collaborative this fall.

Sixteen hundred miles away in Idaho, the STEM education team at Idaho National Labs has tackled the rural STEM engagement issue with a new strategy focused deeply on teachers and families. Growing STEM talent is a critical need at the lab, where up to 30% of the workforce will retire in the next five years. Join us on November 15 to hear from Anne Seifert, Idaho National Lab’s K-12 Education manager and Brandi Stroecker and Evan Curran at the Tennessee STEM Innovation Network, managed by Battelle.


Register to attend

Register with Webex  here .

About these webinars

Every month, we organize an opportunity for STEM organizations to learn from each other. Past webinars have covered STEM school design, teacher training, and engaging industry in STEM partnerships. This service is offered thanks to your state’s membership in the national STEMx network.

STEMx members are encouraged to forward this invitation to others in their state who would find the information useful.

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