CAP, along with support from the Denver Afterschool Alliance (DAA), recently delivered 100 candy-filled lightbulbs with I ❤️️ Afterschool messages from youth to the Colorado General Assembly.
The lightbulbs, which were placed on the desks of each member of the general assembly, represented “keeping the lights on” in afterschool and included an attached tag with messages from students from the Sims-Fayola Foundation and Scholars Unlimited. Included on the back of the tags were three statistics about afterschool in Colorado:
- For every 1 child in afterschool, there are 5 waiting to get into a program.
- 145,000 young people are alone and unsupervised between the hours of 3 pm – 6 pm.
- 398,000 families are unable to access afterschool due to availability, cost, and transportation.
CAP, and DAA, would like to thank Colorado State Senator James Coleman and Colorado State Representative Jennifer Bacon for their help in getting this important message to the entire Colorado State Legislature. For more information on the state of afterschool in Colorado, visit
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