As parents across the country find themselves managing unprecedented new challenges with the closure of most schools, we are proud to announce the release of the STEMx Parent’s Guide to STEM.
Download the guide here . Please feel free to share with credit to the STEMx network.
Finally, all our readers supported this launch. Below, you’ll find a list of supplements to the parent’s guide, submitted by our readers.
The STEMx Parent’s Guide to STEM and these resources offer a long term resource. But what about parents looking for ways to support learning during temporary schools closures?
Battelle’s education team , which manages the STEMx network, has pulled together a list of some of our favorite online learning tools or special promotions created to help out during the COVID-19 crisis. Know a great school closure resource? Submit it in the comments below with a link and a one to two sentence description.
One special resource just launched. The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy has coordinated with American technology companies to create . The site provides a searchable online database of education technology tools for online classrooms and teaching, allowing educators to search for free and discounted tools and services by grade level, product type, and subject matter.
Supplements to the STEMx Parent’s Guide to STEM
School closure resources
Resource collections
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