Q: Tell us about the Afterschool Alliance – what is it, why was it created, what does it do and how does it benefit those involved with afterschool programs? A:... read more →
On Tuesday, June 8, the STEM Education Coalition sent a letter to state policymakers encouraging them to include STEM education in their plans for using federal education relief funds enacted... read more →
On Tuesday, June 15, the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee advanced Informal STEM Learning Act (H.R. 3859) as an amendment to the National Science Foundation for the Future Act,... read more →
Q: Speaking of the President, what’s been happening with respect to the Administration? A: To begin on the nominations front, Cindy Marten, the administration’s pick for Deputy Secretary at... read more →
Does your organization reach underserved students or those connected to the military? The Army Educational Outreach Program (AEOP) is seeking new partners in STEM to reach more students with current... read more →
To me, science communication has a loose definition: explaining science in a way that anyone can understand. It stirs a desire to be understood and share cool facts with my... read more →
Week 1 (May 31 - June 4): Summer Programming 101: What to Expect Welcome to our first week of Statewide Afterschool Networks (SAN) Summer Re-Boot Camp! (www.sanrebootcamp.org). We are very... read more →
CAP is proud to announce that Quality Action Team member Sarah Conley is a finalist for the National AfterSchool Association (NAA) board. Sarah is the Director of Extended Child Services... read more →