Q: Tell us about the work that takes place at the various sites of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). A: NREL staff members are engaged in pursuing solutions to... read more →
Colorado Parents Give High Marks to Afterschool Programs, But New Household Survey Finds Huge Unmet Demand Here, With Colorado Trailing Most Other States in Making Programs Available December 8, 2020... read more →
On Friday, December 4, the STEM Education Coalition published their recommendations on federal STEM Education policy for the Biden/Harris transition team. Read the recommendations here.
The STEMx network proudly announces a new collaboration between science non-profit Battelle and NASA — Next Gen STEM: Space from a Distance. At https://nextgenstem.battelle.org , explore NASA’s standards-aligned, hands-on STEM... read more →
Q: Give us a brief history of the I-STEM Resource Network, its vision, whom it serves and its impact. A: The I-STEM Resource Network, www.istemnetwork.org , originally was a... read more →
National Science Teaching Association The post Families Are Essential in the STEM Learning Ecosystem appeared first on STEM Next.
On Thursday, October 29, the STEM Education Coalition hosted a webinar to explore the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on current and long term trends in the education and workforce... read more →
Members win new funding to create, share best practices plus our new website We're proud to announce $30,000 in funding for new programs to expand high-quality STEM education. Through the... read more →
For many years, American society has pushed the idea that men control sex. But if pop culture has taught us anything, it’s that women enjoy being in charge, too. When... read more →